2016 Spring Seminar

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Customizing the Information Governance Model To Fit Your Organization.

Thursday, May 19, 2016
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

8:30AM – Info Governance in Microsoft 365
Brad Harris
Vice President at Zapproved
bradHarrisBrad has more than 30 years of experience in the high technology and enterprise software sectors, including assisting Fortune 1000 companies enhance their e-discovery preparedness through technology and process improvement. Brad is a frequent author and speaker on data preservation and e-discovery issues, including articles in National Law Journal, Corporate Counsel, Metropolitan Corporate Counsel and Information Management and presentations at leading industry events such as LegalTech New York. Prior to joining Zapproved, he led the development of electronic discovery readiness consulting efforts for Fios, Inc. from 2004 to 2009. He has held senior management positions at prominent public and privately held companies, including Hewlett-Packard, Tektronix, and Merant.

10:15AM – Dealing with the Old Stuff: IG for Archiving and Decommissioning of Data and Systems
Tina Torres
Director, Advisory, Forensics – Information Risk Management at PwC
TinaTorres Is your old data gathering dust in outdated systems? Does your organization own archaic systems and applications that need to be kept running because of the data that’s kept within? When compliance reasons require access old data, the overhead cost to keep disks of outdated systems spinning is often significant. At the same time, the business value of retaining the data is often low. Learn about decommissioning old systems – turning the lights off and saving cost or reducing risks. Understand the risks for keeping archaic systems and data beyond their required limits. Find out approaches to archiving and extraction of data required for retention while setting sunset dates for archaic applications and obsolete data. A clean, complaint data footprint can be very refreshing!

1:15PM – Clean Up of Share Drives
Chris Perram
CEO at FileFacets Inc.
ChrisPerramChris has over 15 years of experience in providing classification, attribution and migration services. His company, FileFacts, is a cloud-based Information Governance solution for unstructured content in Network Shares, SharePoint and all ECM repositories. Chris will explain how to satisfy internal information management policies, by implementing file plans and metadata to support the information management lifecycle. He will also show how to comply with external regulatory requirements, with advanced classification and metadata attribution tools. Last, he will discuss how to decrease litigation risk through defensible disposition with our disposition processing capabilities in shared drive environments.

3:00PM – Legally Defensible Records Destruction
David Cohen
Partner, Reed Smith
DavidCohenDavid is the Practice Group Leader for Reed Smith’s global Records & E-Discovery Group. He has over 30 years of commercial litigation experience in a variety of subject matters. David serves as special e-discovery counsel in many cases, represents companies in complex litigation matters, and also counsels clients on records management and litigation readiness issues. David has designed and presented e-discovery training programs for judges and neutrals around the country; has authored numerous legal publications; and is a frequent presenter at continuing legal education seminars regarding e-discovery, technology, and litigation tactics.

Session Details:
$99.00 for Session I – 8:30am to Noon
$99.00 for Session II – 1pm to 4:30pm
$149.00 for both sessions (before April 30th)
$198.00 Sessions I & II (received after April 30th)
Lunch is included if attending both sessions
Ashland Chemical
5200 Blazer Pkwy
Dublin, OH 43017
Free Parking available for all participants

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or contact events@armacolumbus.org

Additional information: armacolumbus.org