Board Positions

Chair-Past President The Chair-Past President shall:

  • Serve as an advisor to the President and the Board of Directors regarding the Chapter’s relations with ARMA Headquarters and precedents for Board policies and procedures
  • Serve as chairperson of the Nominations and Awards Committee
  • Serve as chair of the Board of Directors
  • Perform other assigned duties.

President The President shall:

  • Execute and implement the policies of the Board of Directors and Chapter membership
  • Be the chief executive officer of the Chapter; preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, general monthly meetings, and other meetings of the general membership. He/she shall represent the Chapter at international and region meetings
  • Exercise general supervision over the organization and its affairs
  • Ensure that a current copy of the approved Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws are on file at ARMA International headquarters
  • Review, in detail, changes to the Chapter Bylaws, as issued, to ensure that the document is not in conflict with the association Bylaws
  • Consult with the Board of Directors on matters of Chapter policy and the development of annual goals and objectives
  • Issue Administrative Letters as approved by the Board of Directors
  • Appoint, with the approval of the Board of Directors, standing and ad-hoc committees and serve as ex-officio member of all committees
  • Sign, with the approval of the Board of Directors, all contracts of formal instructions obligating the Chapter office
  • Sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer and/or Vice President/President-Elect
  • Designate, when necessary, the Vice President/President-Elect to serve as his/her surrogate as an ex-officio member of the committees
  • At the end of his/her term in office, deliver to the Vice President/President-Elect all books, papers, records and other property of the organization for which he/she is responsible
  • At the end of his/her term in office, assume the role of Immediate Past President
  • Perform other assigned duties.

Vice-President/President-Elect The Vice-President/President-Elect shall:

  • Assume the duties of the President during the President’s absence
  • Assist the President as requested or assigned in carrying out the duties of the Presidency
  • Attend monthly Chapter Board of Directors meetings and Chapter meetings
  • Serve as Program Chair, responsible for identifying speakers and developing the year’s programs and topics
  • Secure speaker gifts
  • Work with committee chairs for seminars and special events
  • Work in close coordination with the President and Corresponding Secretary to arrange monthly Chapter meetings
  • At the end of his/her term in office, assume the role of President
  • Perform other assigned duties.


Secretary The Secretary shall:

  • Maintain the official records of the Chapter
  • Keep a record of all meetings, and distribute meeting Minutes to the Board of Directors and the membership via the Chapter website
  • Be responsible for the custody of these Bylaws
  • Keep copies of the annual financial report given to them by the Treasurer
  • Serve as chairperson of the Annual Report Committee
  • Prepare and distribute notice of all Chapter meetings
  • Prepare and receive ballots for the election of officers
  • Execute other official correspondence as appropriate
  • Prepare a list of all attendees for the minutes, as soon as possible, after the function
  • Perform other assigned duties.

Treasurer The Treasurer shall:

  • Monitor the Chapter’s financial activities, producing and maintaining documentation of financial activity, ensuring disbursements and deposits are made in a timely manner, collecting all monies due the Chapter, and overseeing the Chapter’s budget process
  • Sign all checks
  • Make the books available for inspection by any member in good standing
  • Make monthly detailed reports to the Board of Directors on the financial condition of the Chapter
  • Close the books as of June 30 each year for audit, and present a preliminary annual report at the June Chapter meeting
  • Present the final audit report to the Audit Committee within ten (10) days of closing the books
  • Serve as the corporation’s statutory agent and shall file the appropriate form, which designates him/her as the statutory agent, with the Ohio Secretary of State, no later than August of each year
  • Prepare state/federal tax information as required
  • Serve as chairperson of the Budget Committee
  • Submit reports as required by ARMA International
  • Be responsible for receiving reservations, registering attendance, and providing nametags for all Chapter functions
  • Perform other assigned duties

Community Service Director The Community Service Director shall:

  • Serve as Chair and recruit additional Community Service Committee members to support outreach efforts
  • Organize and conduct special projects, charitable contributions, and other community outreach efforts approved by the Board of Directors
  • Act as primary liaison with Chamber of Commerce
  • Act as primary liaison with Marketing Committee
  • Perform other duties as assigned

Education Director The Education Director shall:

  • Serve as Chair and recruit additional Education Committee members
  • Submit Education Committee recommendations for new educational material acquisitions to Board of Directors for approval
  • Act as primary liaison with ARMA International Education Committee and with area schools and colleges
  • Submit Education Committee recommendations for Chapter scholarship activities to Board for approval
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Marketing Director The Marketing Director shall:

  • Serve as Chair and recruit additional Marketing Committee members
  • Coordinate all promotional publicity above and beyond the Chapter website
  • Coordinate the identification of strategies for, and conduct, marketing campaigns targeted to specific industries, including Records Management professionals
  • Act as primary liaison with news media
  • Act as primary liaison with Membership and Community Service Committees
  • Perform other duties as described in Section II and as assigned.

Membership Director The Membership Director shall:

  • Serve as Chair and recruit additional Membership Committee members
  • Maintains official list of Chapter members and their contact information
  • Coordinates outreach for prospective new members, including recruitment activities, along with efforts to conserve current Chapter membership
  • Provide new member orientation and services
  • Coordinate hospitality functions at Chapter meetings
  • Act as primary liaison with Marketing Committee
  • Perform other duties as assigned

Seminar Director The Seminar Director shall:

  • Serve as Chair and recruit additional Seminar Committee members
  • Coordinate the planning, organization and arrangements for at least one educational seminar per year
  • Prepare objectives, goals and budget for the annual seminar
  • Act as primary liaison with Marketing Committee and Web Site Administration Director
  • Perform other duties assigned

Web Site Administration The Web Site Administration Director shall:

  • Coordinate the creation and publishing of the Chapter’s website and events registration platform
  • Update content, approve new material, formats information and posting of content to the Chapter’s web site
  • Approve design changes, new links and pages for the Chapter’s website
  • Manage contract with the ISP and web host
  • Perform other duties as assigned