November 2017 ARMA Greater Columbus Chapter Meeting

The ARMA Columbus Greater Chapter welcomes Jill Z. Choi, Director of Health Information Management & Privacy Officer with Nationwide Children’s Hospital as our November speaker.

Jill leads records management in the areas of facility and outpatient coding, imaging, archives, ambulatory clinic records management, and medical transcription, including statistics and research analysis. Jill is also responsible for all aspects of HIPPA privacy compliance and serves as the point person for formal privacy complaints and privacy incidents

With over 25 years of experience in the medical health records arena, Jill offers an opportunity for attendees to become informed and educated about health care records governance. Jill will present on Past-Present-Future of Health Records (The Evolution), and Challenges with Electronic Health Records.

This is a lunch meeting held on November 16th, 2017 from 11:30 am – 2:00 pm at Hofbrauhaus Columbus in Grandview Yard in the Schalander Banquet room.

Registration cost includes lunch.

Lunch is complimentary for first-time attendees.

Attendees can choose from the Hofbrauhaus event lunch menu, which includes gluten free and vegetarian options.

Hofbrauhaus Columbus
800 Goodale Street
Columbus, Ohio 43212

Free parking available in the parking garage or lot behind restaurant