Thursday, October 17, 2019, 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
ARMA Greater Columbus invites you to join us for networking, lunch, and Blockchain Cautions presentation by Mark E. Conrad.

The three goals of this presentation are:
- Provide a simplified conceptual, not technical, explanation of blockchain technology.
- Provide pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, of blockchain technology.
- Remove some of the shine that comes with new technology and discuss its practicality.
Mark is the IT Director, Fairfield County; Director, Web Administration, ARMA Greater Columbus; Chair, CARMA (County Archivists & Records Managers Association); Primary Secretary, OCITA (Ohio County/City Information Technology Association); Vice Chair, Ohio ERC (Electronic Records Committee).
Registration is $20 for members and $25 for non-members and includes lunch.
Hofbrauhaus Columbus
800 Goodale Blvd
Columbus, Ohio 43212
Free parking is available in the parking structure behind the restaurant.