OhioERC Workshop: Your Seat at the Purchasing Table: A Records Management Point of View

Workshop: Your Seat at the Purchasing Table: A Records Management Point of View | OhioERC.org

For up to date information, visit the OhioERC website

Are you considering purchasing a records management system? Do you have questions about the procurement process from a records management perspective? If so, the Ohio Electronic Records Committee (OhioERC.org) encourages you to consider attending a FREE half-day seminar this fall. Seminar Flyer

October 28, 2015  @ State Library of Ohio 274 E. First Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201

AM Session: 8:30-11:45 a.m.

PM Session: 12:00-3:15 p.m.                                              

Cost: FREE!

For up to date information, visit the OhioERC website