November 2015 Monthly Chapter Meeting

Please Join us on

Thursday November 19th, 2015 @ 2PM

Ashland, Inc.
5200 Blazer Parkway Dublin, OH 43017
Please park in Visitor parking, go to Building #2 and check-in at the receptionist. Mention that you are there for the ARMA Meeting

… As we welcome James Zimmerlin from the Dayton chapter to talk about Implementing an Email Management Program.

Register Today (via Event Brite)

NOTE: In order to Pay At Door, during registration click the “Show Other Payment Options” link just under the “Register” button and click “Pay Offline”

Speaker Bio

JamesZimmerlin_DaytonChapterJames S. Zimmerlin, CA, CRM currently serves as the Records & Information Manager for CareSource, a leading non-profit managed care company headquartered in Dayton, Ohio. He formerly served as the Director of the Warren County Records Center & Archives in Lebanon, Ohio. He holds a M.P.A. from Wright State University and an M.L.I.S. from Kent State University. He currently serves as ARMA Great Lakes Region Advisor for Education & Programming. He is also an active participant in the Greater Dayton Chapter of ARMA, International and the Society of Ohio Archivists.

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