ARMA Greater Columbus

ARMA Greater Columbus November 2020 Chapter Meeting

ARMA Greater Columbus

ARMA Greater Columbus has gone virtual!

Due to the pandemic, and the various guidelines surrounding it and the restrictions in travel, ARMA Greater Columbus has gone virtual! We will return to in person meetings when circumstances permit, and we will keep you informed. We will hold the Thursday, November 19, meeting from 1:00 – 2:00 PM. The connection details are given below.

Building A Remote Worker Strategy

It’s been six months since the pandemic started and most people are still working remotely. The questions still abound regarding what the on-going pandemic holds for our businesses and our lives as we move into winter. How well have we adapted to the new normal?

Please join us for an online webinar as we look at how to overcome the challenges that working remotely presents. Mari Martin will be sharing ideas on how to build a successful remote worker strategy. Topics include:

  • Building a strategy for a remote/mobile work force
  • Implementing the right tools to connect your work force
  • Securely access your data from anywhere – including from your mobile device.
  • Optimize business processes and mitigate risks
  • Enable collaboration with a workflow strategy
Mari Martin

Mari Martin is an ECM Event Manager for Applied Imaging. Mari has been an active part of the ECM industry for the past 23 years. She started as a micrographic’s specialist in the early years, then transitioning to an ECM Specialist as technology changed. Mari is responsible for managing and teaching a portion of all ECM events offered by Applied Imaging. For over 30 years, Applied Imaging has helped businesses across the Midwest be more efficient. Our products and services enable organizations to better communicate and manage the flow of information.

Mari has served on the ARMA Mid-Michigan Board for the past 22 years and is currently serving as Past-President having completed 3 terms as President.

Please register for the event!

Register now

Virtual meeting details:

ARMA Greater Columbus November 2020 Chapter Meeting
Thu, Nov 19, 2020 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (EST)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
– One-touch: tel:+18773092073,,935549037#

United States: +1 (571) 317-3129
– One-touch: tel:+15713173129,,935549037#

Access Code: 935-549-037

ARMA Greater Columbus Save the Date Postcard