ARMA Greater Columbus

ARMA Greater Columbus October Chapter meeting – HIPAA: It Doesn’t Only Impact Medical Records

ARMA Greater Columbus

Join us for networking, lunch, and a presentation on HIPAA: It Doesn’t Only Impact Medical Records; Basic HIPAA Stuff and Overall Information Protection.

Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021
Time: 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Hofbräuhaus Columbus
800 Goodale Boulevard
Columbus, OH 43212

Free parking is available in the parking structure behind the restaurant.

Tom Dumez

In the session HIPAA: It Doesn’t Only Impact Medical Records; Basic HIPAA Stuff and Overall Information Protection, we will discuss some HIPAA basics as well as how HIPAA can impact information OTHER than medical records. We will also discuss some general information protection guidelines that should help you. One of my goals to to encourage you to think a little differently about the information that your organization collects, creates, or uses.

Speaker: Tom Dumez, President, Prime Compliance, LLC

Tom worked in the RIM industry from 2000 until late 2012 at a full service records management company based in Grand Rapids, MI. He is a Certified HIPAA Professional and a Certified Security Compliance Specialist. Tom’s focus is compliance with local, state, and federal regulations through policies, procedures, employee handbooks, risk assessments, documentation, contracts and agreements, and planning and implementing compliance solutions.
More than 150 companies have trusted him to provide training and consulting services. Tom has assisted companies in becoming more ‘compliance focused’ as they do their daily business while at the same time lowering their risk of causing a data breach. This not only helps the companies that hire him, but it also helps the employees. Tom brings a unique perspective to help companies honestly deal with risks. His training has been approved by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID) and he is also a NAID Board of Directors Approved Consultant that companies can use to help them obtain their first time AAA certification and recertification. Considered a subject matter expert, he has spoken at various local ARMA chapters across the US, many associations annual conferences, including NAID, Professional Records and Information Service Management (PRISM) International, and the International Secure Information Governance & Management Association (i-SIGMA).
Tom has traveled internationally as a guest speaker and as a trainer, also presenting many educational sessions for PRISM International, ARMA chapters across the US, NAID and AITP.

Tom has been married to his beautiful wife Lori since 1979. They have two grown children, and are the proud grandparents to two grandsons & a granddaughter. In his spare time, Tom enjoys fishing/hunting, spending every minute he can with Lori, and being a very hands-on grandpa.

Attend Event

Registration is $20 for members and $25 for non-members and includes lunch. You can register here!