Holiday Happy Hour

On December 14th,2017 the ARMA Columbus Greater Chapter will be having their Holiday Happy Hour.

This event will be hosted at Bricker & Eckler from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm.

As recently featured in Columbus CEO magazine, the Columbus’ “Old, Old Post Office,” Bricker & Eckler’s building has a lot of history that you will get to experience during this event. The building is on the national historic registry and features grand vaulted hallways of marble, dark wood and glass from the original build all make for quite an experience.

In September, Bricker unveiled significant changes to its lobby/library areas. The new lobby is a replacement for the cave-like library that once got so much use from attorneys and then didn’t anymore as research moved to the internet. It was the first thing people saw when they walked into the firm’s 3rd Street entrance. Now, what they will see is updated dark blue carpet and an attractive reception area opening into a room with leather couches and chairs, work areas galore, televisions playing business news, a coffee station, and a locked bar for after-hours meetings and celebrations. One thing the space is not any longer is dark. Among the upgrades that came with the redesign are conference rooms fully loaded with tech and absolutely devoid of paper.

Around the corner from the lobby, the space affectionately known as the “Bricker Room” has also been updated, elegantly showing off artifacts from one of the firm’s founders, John Bricker, also a former Ohio governor and US senator.

This is a free event but RSVP is requested. Complimentary hor d’oeuvres and drinks will be served.

Paid parking is available in nearby lots.

Bricker & Eckler LLP
100 S. Third Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215