Job Posting – Ohio State University

The Records Management program, within the University Archives of the Ohio State University Libraries is hiring an 18-month position to assist the University Records Manager with daily records management responsibilities, as well as developing informational or training tools for use by University staff.


  • Review and approval of Certificates of Records Destruction
  • Review and comparison of unique retention schedules to the OSU General Retention schedule
  • Identify schedules to be updated or retired by University Records Manager
  • Identify potential records coordinators for each university department, college or unit
  • Basic office filing
  • Format records management concept and process guidance
  • Research and develop email file plans for functional units
  • Draft guidelines for utilizing the features of Office 365 for the retention and basic office filing disposition of email
  • Update records management website
  • Development of online, interactive training
  • Assist the University Records Manager in conducting records analysis in conjunction with university colleges, divisions, and units
  • Other duties as assigned