Please Join Us on Thursday
March 17th, 2016 @ 2pm
At Emerson Network Power
530 Westar Blvd
Columbus, OH, 43082
Let’s Talk … Analytics
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Analytics is the use of data, statistical and quantitative methods, and explanatory and predictive models to allow organizations and individuals to gain insights into and act on complex issues. Analytics are being used everywhere these days. We are hearing more and more about Data Scientists, Big Data and Industry Intelligence. How does this apply to Records Management and Information Governance initiatives and programs? Dylan and Deb will discuss some background on Analytics and show practical ways that we can utilize analytics to better understand our records, improve efficiencies and compliance initiatives.
CRM Chat starts at 2pm
Meeting starts at 2:30pm
Discussion & Networking Session at 4pm
Speaker Bios
Deborah Voronkov, CRM is the Law Process and Records Manager for the Emerson Network Power a division of Emerson Electric Company. Emerson Network Power is a global technology company that specializes in the development and manufacturing of power backup systems, power supplies, precision cooling, racks/enclosures, infrastructure management, and connectivity technologies.
Deb currently works within the Law Department developing strong record keeping systems. Utilizing SharePoint she has developed in house tools for Contract and Matter Management. She also serves as the Records Officer for the Division, and co-chairs the Records Management Advisory Board for Emerson Electric Company.
Prior to joining ENP she served in the Role of Records and Litigation Support Manager at Scotts MiracleGro and was responsible for Records Management, Matter Management, eBilling and bringing in house all phases of eDiscovery, review and production for Litigation and Investigation cases.
Deb has her Master’s Degree from the State University of New York at Albany, in Public History. She has been a Certified Records Manager (CRM) since 2001 and is currently working on her Lean Six Sigma Green Belt. She is an active member of the Association of Records Managers and Administrators, serving twice as the Columbus Ohio Chapter President and currently sits on the Board of Directors as the Director of Education. Deb lives with her husband, Brian and their two teenage sons in Columbus, Ohio.
Dylan Williams, CRM, IGP, CDIA+, Project+ is a Principal Consultant for the Ricoh Americas Corporation Consulting Services Governance, Risk & Compliance practice, specializing in the design and implementation of efficient operational workflow processes that mitigate business information risk with transparency, integrity, and accountability. As a Certified Records Manager and Information Governance Professional, he brings both broad strategic vision and deep tactical experience – providing analysis and program guidance for corporate, healthcare, legal, and government clients. Williams is an active speaker, member of EDRM, CGOC, ARMA, CompTIA, and the Institute of Certified Records Managers, and volunteers for several exam development and mentorship task forces.