“Although this issue may seem outside the scope for records managers, our new breed of Information Governance professionals may be called to participate in the response process. I say this because data breaches involve hacking into Records of the organization, which we have a duty to Protect under the Generally Accepted Record keeping Principles.” … Ten Steps In Security Breach – John Isaza
From John’s bio on RimonLaw.com
“John Isaza, Esq., FAI heads the Information Governance & Records Management practice at Rimon. Mr. Isaza is internationally recognized in the emerging legal fields of information governance, as well as records and information management (RIM). He is one of the country’s foremost experts on RIM issues, electronic discovery, and legal holds. He has developed information governance and records retention programs for some of the most highly regulated Fortune 100 companies, including related regulatory research opinions. His clients range from the Fortune 100 to startups.”