Dear ARMA Colleagues,
Thank you for your kind attention and questions during my recent presentation to your chapter. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to share some of my experiences. Hopefully my presentation will help you avoid the mistakes others—myself included—have made in the wake of a records disaster.
I had a professor in college that always said “When you teach, you learn twice.” I think this is true.
I always remember things I should have said (but didn’t) and stories that would have been apropos. Naturally this occurs after the fact. If you have questions, comments or suggestions on how to improve the presentation, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Or just drop me a line to say “Hello!”
And if you travel to Michigan, you have a standing invitation to come and visit DFD.
Take care,
Bill Gulley
Archives and Records Management Specialist
Document Freeze Drying (DFD), Document Restoration Services