Supreme Court of Ohio

Tour of The Supreme Court of Ohio

Supreme Court of Ohio

Join us for a free tour of The Supreme Court of Ohio!

Location: The Supreme Court of Ohio – Moyer Judicial Center
Enter at 65 S. Front Street, Columbus, OH 43215
Date: September 23rd, 2021
Time: Arrive at 2:40. The tour is from 3:00-4:00 pm. We will then be able to explore the Visitor Education Center’s interactive exhibits until 5:00 pm.
Cost: The tour is free. You must cover your own parking costs.

While the event is free, registration is required. Please register on Eventbrite!

Register now

Please arrive early and allow yourself enough time to park and walk. We plan on meeting at the entrance (it is covered in case of rain) by 2:40 and going through security together.

About the Tour

The tour focuses on the role of the judiciary, the day to day operations of the Supreme Court of Ohio, while also exploring the history of Ohio that is told through the building’s 1930s Art Deco artwork and architecture. On this tour in particular, we will discuss court cases that deal with records management as part of the larger discussion of cases that come before the Supreme Court. We can also talk about the Court’s records management policies and how it affects the entire state’s court system.

In 1995, the Chief Justice charged the Task Force on Records Management to survey records retention and maintenance practices across the state and recommend a set of minimum standards for collection, retention, and destruction of court records. The Chief Justice further charged the Task Force to develop rules that would accommodate both paper and electronic methods of submission and maintenance.

The report can be found here:

Important Visitor Information

  • The Supreme Court of Ohio is a secure building. All adult visitors and students 6th grade and above are subject to security screening. This is a process similar to going through airport security.
  • For detailed screening information, please visit
  • If entering through Civic Center Drive, please press the intercom button to alert security staff of your arrival.
  • Given the CDC’s most current guidance and Franklin County’s transmission rates, the Court now requires that all employees and visitors in the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center must wear masks inside the building, even if they are vaccinated.
  • Out of respect for our tour guides, we ask that visitors refrain from using their phones during a tour (other than when taking photos).
  • Photography is permitted during the tour except in the courtroom when court is in session. Visitors are also asked not to take photos of the security screening area as they enter the building.

Entrance and Parking Map